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Turning Points (Class of 2020 Senior Farewell Part 2)

For the seniors of the class of 2020 and the years of students in their wake, the words below represent my best attempt at putting all the thoughts of this spring together into one place.  The air was warm. The sun was out. I was 15 years old and doing what 15 year olds do, I was leaving campus to have lunch with my friends. I walked into my friend's house to see what we could pilfer from his parents refrigerator. His older sister, two years older than us was already sitting in the living room watching TV and eating her lunch. I will never forget her looking up from her lunch and saying "there was a shooting at a school in Colorado." At first I totally dismissed it. I had grown up watching movies like Dangerous Minds where kids were just getting killed left and right because they were in "bad places." I think that I had assigned myself as safe from any real threat to my life because I was in Arvada, and well, bad things don't happen in Arvada, right? We ate...

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